We have a total of 24 children. Out of those children we have some children who are flourishing and some who desperately need help for various special needs. A child who was born addicted to meth and is brain damaged as a result, will not get the same amount of help as a child who has an Autism diagnosis. It is heartbreaking to know how much a child in our home has suffered, and not be able to get them the help that they need. The three of us were desperate for change.

Angela had a firm conviction that the principals laid out in our constitution gave us power.  The government for the people, and by the people, allowed us to seek out change with legislation. She knew from the start that we could make a difference by speaking up! She researched who we needed to meet with and again and again got us in the door!  

Anika and Susan stayed up late many nights reading federal mandates and statutes concerning children who were Medicaid eligible. We took diligent notes and created an executive summary that cited federal laws and studies that show why children with a trauma history need help. We went to our legislators, not to complain, but to present solutions.  

When Anika wants something, she puts her whole heart into it! Her faith never waivers. Before every meeting we would say a prayer. We would ask God to touch the hearts of those we were meeting with. That they may feel compelled to help His children. God gave the three of us experiences in failures, and broken hearts and discouragement. We knew we could be a voice for the children coming in and out of the system who have been failed, who felt broken hearted, and hopeless. We truly saw God’s love for His children as more and more people came forward to support us. We want to thank each one of you for being part of our very loud voice that spoke up for foster and adopted children! Thank you to those who have opened your hearts and homes to these precious children. It’s out of love for these children that we felt driven to create change.

Contact us

7830 E University Dr.

Mesa, AZ 85207



Copyright 2015. ASA Now. All Rights Reserved

"As a former foster child, now foster parent, I know there is a need for community support that will be of service to foster children and foster parents. The more support the better! I am so excited to be a part of such a great organization that focuses on being an advocate for foster families here in Arizona. This community center will create such a positive atmosphere and will create a sense of family we all desire to have, especially with the day to day struggles that come with being a part of the foster system. I am looking forward to building a bigger and better support system through ASA Now."

Lisa Wallace

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ASA Now feels a calling to help find solutions for many urgent problems in our state, including our current foster care crisis.

We know we can make a big difference. With your help, we can make Arizona a place where every child has the opportunity to be raised in a loving, compassionate, and nurturing home.

Please Dream with us!

ASA Now Committee Directors

Committed to Help

A Message from our Founders:  The need is what drove the 3 of us to bring about Jacob’s law. It is named after Susan's son, however it’s just as much for the 19,000 children still in foster care and the many more who have been adopted.

The three of us have fostered and adopted children with very high needs due to the trauma and abuse that our children suffered, in other words, we’re “trauma mamas”. It can feel isolating at times to be raising children with reactive attachment disorder (RAD) or other mental illnesses that are a direct result of trauma. The behaviors are so severe. Children with RAD have very deep emotional wounds that cannot be fixed or healed without intensive specialized treatment. It really is an invisible special needs. We each sought support groups and found each other. 

ASA Now is a non-profit organization that ADVOCATES for, SUPPORTS, and ASSISTS children and families impacted by foster care. We are passionate about providing support to families and professionals by restoring hope and empowering them to better serve these children in need.

Services we offer include tutoring & extra curricular activities, food pantry, clothing & meeting basic necessities. Life skills for youth, respite care, therapeutic programs, family activities, peer-to-peer support groups, education and training on utilizing Jacob's Law to obtain behavioral health services, providing resources to families and caregivers on successfully navigating the foster care system, raising awareness, recruiting new foster families, and advocating for families and their children.

What was started with only 3 foster moms, has turned into a movement that many people in our community support. It is going to take an army of supporters and volunteers to make Jacob's Mission Community Center a reality. Please meet our team of dedicated Committee Directors, who share in our vision, and have been tirelessly working right along beside us.

​​​​​​​Brandis Goodman, Cera Murphy​, Stephanie Scott, Erin Freeman, Shannon Juncker,

Tara Light, Leila Woodard, Lisa Wallace,  Katie Driggs and Amber Palma,​

 Meet our Founders: ​ Anika Robinson, Susan Woodruff and Angela Teachout (ASA).

These three seasoned foster and adoptive moms recognized a huge need in our community and decided to meet with Arizona Legislators.  

Instead of complaining about the issues, they brought real solutions to the table. Their countless hours of dedication lead to the signing of Jacob's Law on March 24, 2016. 

"I have been a foster parent for 6 years and during that time, I have seen many positive and negative changes in Arizona's system. There is a great need for a community center in our area and it would be so beneficial to have some support for foster families. In addition to respite, my children would have an opportunity to participate in many programs that they would not otherwise get to participate in. I look forward to supports for foster parents and the opportunity to network with those that understand the system the best. I am so excited to be a part of this group of women that are helping to make a difference. Now more than ever, I feel the importance of supporting one another and working together to improve the foster care system here in Arizona."

Katie Driggs
