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 Many children coming through the foster care system have special physical, mental health and developmental needs. Many of these children have suffered varying degrees of trauma, neglect and abuse which often manifests as challenging and extreme behaviors requiring above-average attention.

Caring for children impacted by foster care on a daily basis can be very stressful and difficult for foster and adoptive parents. This ultimately takes a toll on the family as a whole. Our community center provides a much needed break for exhausted foster and adoptive parents while still meeting the special needs of the children. This intervention provides parents with an opportunity to recharge, prevent burn-out, stabilize the whole family, and ultimately result in fewer foster and adoptive disruptions.

This event includes dinner and childcare for ALL of the children and/or youth in your home (bio kids welcome).

ASA Now Event Calendar

ASA Now Respite

Caring for children who have been victims of abuse or neglect and live with the effects of trauma can cause caregiver burnout. Our Parents’ Night Out events will give you a break to recharge and refresh.