Copyright 2015. ASA Now. All Rights Reserved


For children who have experienced food insecurity or trauma, healing the trauma and anxiety around food is key to helping children learn to eat in a variety of foods in ways and amount that support health and well-being. ASA Now is able to provide Kinship, Foster & Adoptive Caregivers who care for children currently placed in foster care and those who have adopted children who previously were involved in the child welfare system with a Mission Box.

These boxes are filled with perishable food items such as: bread, milk, meat, fresh produce, frozen food and baked goods from Trader Joes, Safeway, Midwest Food Bank, and Panera Bread.

Distribution is once a month from
12-2 PM in Mesa 

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ASA Now Food Distribution

 “How can we help? Providing food monthly is a powerful way to help children feel safe and cared for and helped to offset the grocery bill for caregivers.  

Whether funds are tight or this brings the opportunity to help caregivers take the children in their care to a special event or to purchase an item they typically would not purchase for themselves, our mission is to be here to support our village.